I have heard that many Institutionalized children exhibit many peculiar behaviors shortly after arriving home. Can you described some of these behaviors and what does a new adoptive parent need to do to help over come these behaviors? Many peculiar behaviors can be observed immediately […]
Institutional Autism, secondary to orphanage living conditions. Many children who are available for international adoption have either been placed in hospital-run orphanage or a classic institutional care setting for a multitude of reasons. These reasons range can from illness or untimely deaths of biological parents, […]
Orphanages as the cause for ADHD I am wondering how you differentiate a child suffering from ADHD from a child who was raised for 2.5 years in an orphanage and has very limited early life data. The etiology of ADHD is difficult to ascertain and […]
After arriving home how can I help ease the transition from orphanage life to family life? After an adoption the stress that a child can experience is difficult to describe. Just imagine, this child is taken out of his usual environment by complete strangers, forced […]
Can immunization records from orphanages be relied upon? To re-vaccinate or not is a very heated and emotional decision. Adoptive parents need to face with the help of their general pediatrician. While it is obvious, the safest and the most accurate way is to just […]
What is it about Institutions and Orphanages that make it so detrimental to a child’s overall health and development? Adverse effects of institutional care living is not new information, it has been recognized as a problem for many years. The healthiest living condition for a […]
What are some strategies that I as parent implement to help my child rehabilitate from the Institutional Care setting? 1) Immediately during the post-adoption period, do not over stimulate the child. Avoid trips to toy-r-us, Disneyland, and large gatherings. When exposed to this type of […]